One of the projects currently ongoing at the ABG involves studying genetically and morphologically distinct populations of Ctenophorus fionni, the Peninsula dragon. This species occurs on rocky outcrops throughout the Eyre peninsula in a range of different habitats, from sandy/gibber areas in arid South Australia, to protruding rocks right on the coast. The ABG has been very successful in collecting behavioural and ecological data during this season, and in the process visited some stunning locations.
The Gawler Ranges are home to a very healthy population of Peninsula dragons, where they can be found on rocky hills and gorges, often hiding in crevices or basking at the top of conspicuous rocks.

In contrast, the population density near the coast does not seem to be as high, but the lizards can still be found readily enough. Preliminary data at this location also suggests that the lizards are well adapted to the very windy conditions commonly encountered near the coast.

Further fieldwork will focus on a C. fionni population around Pimba, north of Port Augusta. This area is much more arid and characterised by gibber fields and sparse vegetation. Lizards belonging to this population are very distinctive in terms of pattern and colouration, making them unique and extremely interesting.