Retreat site selection of Anolis lizards

We investigated variation in nocturnal ambient temperature of the landscape, the nocturnal body temperature, and retreat site utilisation of restricted, partially restricted, and widespread species of Anolis lizards from Ecuador. The nocturnal sites utilised by 30 Ecuadorian Anolis species and the body temperature of 20 of these species were evaluated. Variation in ambient temperature is attributable to changes in elevation to the west of the Andes, but in the east, ambient temperature was influenced by elevation and habitat type. The majority of species showed variation in body temperature in relation to ambient temperature, while six species seem to respond differently when occurring at high elevation. At a community level, several species utilise similar retreat sites, however, spatial segregation between species occurring in sympatry was observed at each elevation category, and this segregation might reflect their thermal requirements.
Figure | Body temperature as a function of nocturnal ambient temperature for (a) restricted, (b) partially restricted and (c) widespread Ecuadorian Anolis lizards.