The Pacific Iguanas (Microlophus occipitalis) are endemic to Ecuador and Peru. They are small sexually dimorphic lizards with remarkable behaviour.

ABG @ La Trobe University (Australia)
The Pacific Iguanas (Microlophus occipitalis) are endemic to Ecuador and Peru. They are small sexually dimorphic lizards with remarkable behaviour.
The Peru Pacific Iguana (Microlophus peruvianus) is an endemic lizard from Peru, Ecuador and Chile. They are big lizards with
During the months of May and June, the ABG travelled to the Tibetan Plateau in the Sichuan Province of China,
The ABG recently returned from a combined field trip to New South Wales. The team visited several locations including the
Our Virtual Lens project has attracted media interest with Richard and Snow filmed by Channel Ten. Filming indoors and outdoors
We are pleased to report that Snow’s paper – the Virtual Lens Project method paper – was just published in
The use of movement to communicate is widespread in the animal kingdom, and understanding of the structure and function of
Chameleons are known to spontaneously perform jerky movements when walking. This jaggered walking behaviour has been assumed to be mimicking
The Jacky lizard (Amphibolurus muricatus) responds to greater plant motion noise by extending the duration of introductory tail flicking, which
Models of signal evolution predict that the threat posed by eavesdropping predators will influence the evolution of signal structure and
Effective visual crypsis requires that animals behave in a manner consistent with their camouflage. Individuals who employ background-matching strategies are
Effective visual crypsis requires that animals behave in a manner consistent with their camouflage. Individuals who employ background-matching strategies are
Signaling species occurring in sympatry areoften exposed to similar environmental constraints, so similar adaptations to enhance signal efficacy are expected.
For animals to communicate effectively, signals are required to be successfully detected by an intended receiver across the extent of
Visual signalling is used during inter and intra specific interactions, and has evolved toward complex, diverse and highly species-specific displays.